Buck's Search for Meaning

Buck's search for meaning in this wonderful, though often puzzling life on Long Island, New York, USA, Earth, Milky Way, Universe.

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Location: NY

Friday, December 09, 2005

Our Eleanor

Our Eleanor

Sounds a bit presumptuous to say that, horning in on the K family like that. But this truly magnificent lady certainly made me and us feel like we were hers, and she was ours.

Eleanor will be missed by anyone who ever met her. Having known her since age four or so and having been a member of her hideaway for more than 35 years, there are so many warm memories. They all blend together, but some come out in clarity:

"Guys, Cool it" Generally heard from the top of the basement stairs. Most of the time due to the lateness of the hour and an attempt by Jim to sleep before waking up for an early morning shift. I have now had the chance to say similar things to my own teenage son when his friends are over.

Sitting with Mrs. K in the kitchen during a party, or in the living room, just hanging out. The conversation was always interesting. And Eleanor always made you feel that you mattered, and were yourself interesting and worthy of respect.

Her laugh.

There are more, of course. But I am a poor story-teller. And my memory blends too much together. But the feelings are there. Eleanor was warm, inspirational, intelligent, well-read, loving to her family and to those who felt lucky enough to feel that we were in her flock.

May she find peace in the afterlife, reunited with those that she loved who have also passed on. And may she watch over her Jim, Bill, Susan, Leah, Regan; and all those who love her and always will.

Zich-ro-nah' Lih-ve-rah-chah' -- Her memory is a blessing


Blogger Max said...

That was wonderful, Buck. There's nothing more I can possibly add. She was a special lady. I'm just glad her suffering is over.

9:22 PM  

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